
Wednesday, June 3, 2009


Dear CH203 and CH209,

I hope that your June break is starting to be productive. "A" Levels is approaching (HOOOOWWW????).

This week's online review would be:

(1) Read through all the bonding posts. They can be found here.

(2) Watch the different videos to construct energy cycles, Born Haber Cycle (and energy level diagram) and oxidation number method. Go to the links, it will bring you to the summary page for the videos that I have.

What I will be expecting you to finish when I see you in July.

(1) Set A, B and C. - This includes all the topic. It is a compilation of Prelim papers.

(2) Physical Chemistry Package - This contains just physical chemistry questions.

For (2), please attempt on bonding, energetics and kinetics questions. If you have time, it would be excellent if you attempt electrochemistry and equilibrium. I will be posting materials on this blog, but it will not be so soon.

If you have any question, please drop me a message in the chatbox.

Mr Kwok

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