When we consider the electronic configuration of Carbon, it has 2 single electrons in two of the three p orbitals. Therefore, shouldn't Carbon obtain a stable octet configuration by forming three covalent bonds using just the orbitals in the 2p subshell? Thus, shouldn't Carbon forms 3 covalent bonds; 2 equal sharing ones and 1 dative?
Since, Carbon makes use of all its valence electrons for bonding, it implies that there must be mixing of the orbitals in the 2s and 2p subshells, which result in an re-ordering such that all the valence electrons are singly placed in orbitals; without any pairing.
This mixing of orbitals is called hybridisation; where two (at least) different types of orbitals are mixed to produce a hybrid. (e.g. an illustration below to show mixing of an s and p orbital producing a hybrid orbital.)
In this entry, I will also be taking the opportunity to elaborate more about spacial arrangement of sp2 and sp3 orbitals.
In the mixing to obtain sp3 orbitals, we will have to make use of the s orbital and three p orbitals. Thus, when this is done, we will obtain four sp3 orbitals.
While to form sp2 orbital, there is a mixing of the s orbital and two p orbital. Therefore, we will obtain three sp2 orbitals. Leaving one p orbital unmixed with the rest.
Lastly, the sp orbtials is formed by mixing one s orbital and one p orbital. Leaving two p orbitals not mixed. The sp orbitals are found on the same plane while the p orbitals are found perpendicular to this plane.
Therefore, more often than not, multiple bonds are formed due to hybridisation has occurred. Although, one should be mindful about considering whether the bond energy released is sufficient to compensate the energy requirement to mix orbitals.
In this article, we have basically touched about mixing of s and p orbitals only. There are other examples where there is mixing of s, p and d orbitals, but this is beyond our current scope.
In conclusion, hybridisation theory can also be used to supplement what is known from VSEPR. It aids in the explanation of the bond angles which we observed. Thus, with the knowledge of hybridisation theory, it helps to reconcile the knowledge we have from "Atomic Structure" and "Chemical Bonding".
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Article written by Kwok YL 2009.
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- If you would like to use this source, kindly drop me a note by leaving behind a comment with your name and institution. I am all for sharing as the materials on this blog is actually meant for the education purpose of my students.
- This material is entirely written by the author and my sincere thanks will be given to anyone who is kind, generous and gracious to point out any errors.
hello mr kwok
is the reason behind why bonding occurs at the bigger loop because the larger loop of the sp orbital has a higher possibility of having the electron since it has a larger electron cloud density?
Hallo Belinda!
Well done. You are right. The shape of the orbital indicates to us where is the region where there is high electron density.
Covalent bonding requires atomic orbitals to overlap (i.e as you have seen for signma and pi bonds formation). - Thus allowing sharing of electrons.
Therefore, in the sp3 orbital, the bigger loop has a higherelectron density, thus it is used for bonding.
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